Welcome to the Beaver Den

Ride a motorcycle and have an attitude? Has the word "bitch" occasionally been directed your way? Is your other cycle a "menstrual cycle"? Perhaps you've come to the right place...

Oh yeah, men are welcome too....

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jerk on a Harley

I have been riding a long time. I will almost always wave, because I usually feel bad "dissing" anybody. I will especially wave to people that look like they've built their own bikes, went out of their way to ride something original, or have traveled a long way, no matter the make.

However, when making a little jaunt around the city or a short trip out of town, I get tired of this full-on wave thing to "Sunday drivers". I don't care if you are on an American made bike, a German made bike or some plastic piece-of-shit I want to throw up on. I find waving every 15 seconds grows tiresome. Especially, on a 90 degree day, if the "bikers" are clad entirely in new shiny leather, a full-face helmet with a NASA-like two-way radio system so they can chat on their 50 mile ride. Not to mention if they went to their dealership and bought everything brand-name from pants and shirts to socks, belts and underwear so everyone can be sure to know they're "bikers".

Sure a few of these people put thousands and thousands of miles on every year sporting their logo enhanced gear, but a good majority of them are weekend warriors riding between ice-cream shops and I just don't have a fucking thing in common with any of them. Frankly, I feel like I'm waving to the enemy.

To me being an American is embracing the full-on, guts-and-glory mentality of the people that first came to America. They didn't wear helmets. Can you see John Wayne wearing a helmet? Or Sitting Bull? George Washington? Stonewall Jackson? Perhaps if they'd had them, but it sure as hell didn't stop them.

Yes, yes, I get the whole dying on the asphalt, invalid, statistics thing. But when I see those people all "safety-upped" riding around, they just somehow strike me as sooo un-American. Its almost as if they are spitting on the Constitution.
And sometimes I just can't wave.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Saddlebag installed...

Amazingly, this worked. Had anxiety attacks about this for the months I was working on it. Some things I would have done differently, and some design flaws but overall can't say I'm too unhappy.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ayahuasca in my Blood by Peter Gorman

A friend's awesome new book. This may be a little far from my usual motorcycle diatribes, but I love to shamelessly promote people and things I love. This is a great travel and adventure story whether or not you are in to shamanism. It might tho', just expand your mind....!
I've added a link to his blog below.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

So Long Dennis Hopper....

What a pisser...as one of my favorite actors and icon of freedom, I'd hoped you'd live forever.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

First Ride

Nothing but the wind...

My new favorite website...

Check them out on Facebook, tambien.

It Lives!

We refrained from going out Friday night, got up early and went to work in the shop. We got the magneto installed in fairly good order which was our biggest fear. The "directions" that came with it left a little to be desired but we waded through them anyway. After remembering to hook up a "kill switch" ( bare wire to frame, which was perhaps grand thinking), remembering to plug the oil drain line, a completely faulty carburetor that came from a "friend", and a half an hour of Nate kick starting the sucker, it finally took off. I think we both shit our pants when it finally did, as we had become lulled by the process. Nuts! I feel a little like I've been witness to a creation by Victor Frankenstein. Quite the Red Letter Day! And we only started it all less than a year ago...:)

Now to get it passed by the DOT!

Check out the video below...

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tar, Baby!

Is there anything more hateful than tar smeared all over your bike's beautiful paint? This happened to me a few years back. The tarring crew didn't mark their work zone very well and I came through a stretch of fresh tar and pea rock about 90 on my newly purchased custom. Believe me I was hotter than the tar they were pouring! I rode home as fast as possible wondering what I could do to get this stuff off my fender and oil bag. The tar was still gooey but I was afraid to try wiping it off, especially with pea rock embedded. For some reason it occured to me to try Pledge. I sprayed a liberal dose over the tar and the paint, let it set for a few moments and lo-and-behold it wiped off like water!! I was ecstatic to say the least. I haven't had the opportunity to try this on tar that has set up yet, thankfully, but this is the ticket if you can get to it right away. Pledge is also awesome on bugs. Spray it on and wipe them off before and during a wash. This also makes the next batch of insects come off much easier.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fender Struts

As much as we are ready for warm weather, I'd like a time warp to finish up all the things I expected to get done this winter. Nate, however, got some fender struts manufactured today. Wings nuts coming soon.

Fixing Broken Head Bolts

I found this interesting tidbit from subscriber James Degnitz of Fredonia, Wisconsin, in "Successful Farmer" magazine and thought I'd pass it along since we've had some experiences like this ourselves:

"To replace the exhaust manifold gaskets on an engine when the head bolts broke off, I heated the stud red-hot with a torch and took a candlestick to the stud. As the candle melted, wax was drawn into the thread, lubricating it and pushing the rust out. The bolt turned easily."

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My latest obsession....

I've always wanted to make my own motorcycle tool bag and I finally had the guts and took the time to try it. As my second attempt in leather work I'm not too disgusted and it may actually be functional after I make the straps and clasps for it.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sweatpants...the best ever!

In black or khaki, you'll wear them every nite.

Bars for Sale

Handle bars for sale to your specs!

Front end in progress by Nate. Part springer, part buggy springs found in a pasture, part manufactured.

Bike Build or Venture into Insanity?

Its starting to look like a bike, but I'm sure there are many headaches yet to come...

patch in, be cool..

These are sweet, if I do say so myself. Priced cheap on ebay, despite their obnoxious fees. Email me for a deal.